Go Vote

Election Day is tomorrow – the first Tuesday after the first Monday.  An election that takes place in an odd year typically isn’t very exciting.  We aren’t electing our next President or Senator or anyone who works down in Austin.  We are voting for fourteen different constitutional amendments.  Texas like many other states prefer to legislate through constitutional amendments.  Did you know? Texas has the second longest State Constitution behind only Alabama. 

Many of these amendments will have a big impact on each person’s daily life.  I’m not going to tell you how to vote just to vote.  I will encourage you to research each issue before you go into the poll.  Bring a cheat sheet as well.  It is against the law to use your phone inside a voting booth.

Things to remember

  • Know where your appropriate polling place is
  • The polls are open from 7 am to 7 pm
  • Bring a valid id
  • As long as you are in line before the poll close, you are legally allowed to vote
  • If your rights are being violated call the Election Protection Hotline 866-687-8683
  • And don’t forget to get your “I voted” sticker

Voting is a right that every American should hold dear.  Voicing our opinion is one of the only ways to remain a democracy.